This exhibition and accompanying publication was created by the Museum of True History’s
archives department as a permanent record of the Society of Inner Light
Collections related specifically to the work of Bertolt Wegener. While not all
of the materials donated to MOTH are able to be documented in this small reader
the Director and Senior Curator see this as an opportunity to bring this
intriguing group’s work into focus so that further research can potentially
take place in the future.
MOTH would like to thank all of those
involved in putting this exhibition and publication together, particularly the
amazingly detailed reconstructive talents of Karl Chitham and the dedication
and perseverance of Dr Jack Ross whose significant academic investment in this
project has given the previously untold story of the Society of Inner Light new
life. MOTH would also like to take this opportunity to thank Alan Deare of
Areadesign and Blue Oyster Art Project Space for their belief in this project.
The limited edition publication was produced on the occasion of the exhibition Fallen Empire at Blue Oyster Art Project Space, Dunedin 20 June – 21 July 2012
Paper Theatre, 2012. Courtesy of MOTH
Costume sketch for Isis from Hatupatu and the Nile-Monster, 2012. Courtesy of MOTH
Costume sketch for Calypso from Maui in the Underworld, 2012. Courtesy of MOTH
Paper Theatre, 2012. Courtesy of MOTH
Costume sketch for Isis from Hatupatu and the Nile-Monster, 2012. Courtesy of MOTH
Costume sketch for Calypso from Maui in the Underworld, 2012. Courtesy of MOTH